2009年3月14日 星期六

Fusion 6 release..

Thanks 阿龍哥's info, He is Fusion power user. Too bad, I don't have any chance to get in touch with Fusion on the work yet. Fusion 6 also provide Stereoscopic Views/ 3d system ..etc

2009年3月9日 星期一

My life couldn't be the same any more...

女兒陳小米2009年3月9日順利報到, 謝謝所有關心小米的朋友與長輩們, 還有工作上鼎力支持好同事們, 代小米說一聲 "I LOVE YOU"

2009年3月7日 星期六

Learn to see: Camera Angle and Camera Distant...

I helped a miniature shoot couple years ago...
First picture, I placed my camera around 300 cm distant to miniature car, and use narrow camera view angle!

Second picture below, I placed around 30 cm distant to miniature car, and use wide camera view angle!

Does these different camera angle view and camera position to object any meaning to you?

2009年3月1日 星期日

JL Design's new work:

JL design YouTube channel

weekend movies

因為小米的關係, 最近猛看電影, 誠心推薦"葉問"與"送行者"