2008年10月24日 星期五

Set Etiquette / 拍攝片場注意事項與規矩.....

Set Etiquette
Most people in the entertainment business at one time or another have a problem with set etiquette. For a newcomer on a set it's like being dumped in a foreign country. The language alone is a struggle. For people moving up the ladder there are problems and even for old timers it's possible to loose ones bearings.

These are not elaborate theories, but are observations and opinions from many years working in the business. There are definitely different ways that things are done on the different sizeand types of shoots. Without a carefully defined structure a large shoot would be absolute chaos. On small shoots departmental lines can become blurred, but certain rules of etiquette still apply. A newcomer should consider all the rules until he is sure which ones apply.

Here are a dozen universal rules for any set:

1. Show up a bit early for the call.

2. Be polite. Use please and thanks.

3. Let people do their job.

4. Be humble.

5. Ask questions about assignments if in doubt.

6. Watch what's going on in YOUR department.

7. Make your superior look good.

8. Don't embarrass anyone.

9. Don't be a "hero".

10.Listen very carefully before you leap.

11.Learn and use peoples names.

12.Work hard and willingly.


2008年10月23日 星期四

maya mental ray mia_material sample!

感謝Zard提供的maya 2008 mental ray mia_material sample!

Autodesk 併購 SoftImage!

SoftImage命運再次變動, 從以前的Microsoft到Avid再到Autodesk以$35 million買下了SoftImage....

2008年10月16日 星期四

Shake Tips 006_normal pass control math!

first create two local value: 經度"longitude" and 緯度"latitude" in an Imult node

in Imult's RGB channel type control math below:
R channel: sind(longitude)*cosd(latitude)
G channel: sind(latitude)
B channel: cosd(latitude)*cosd(longitude)

than connect normal pass at Imult 's foreground, then you can easy relighting your CG object by adjusting longitude/ latitude in shake!

2008年10月15日 星期三

I never know cranberries grew underwater!

Big Picture always give me lots amazing images! In the "Days of Autumn" collection, not only just recall me lots Fall season memory in NY, but also learn something that I never know before....

Thanks xieijay's info : 那些照片是"水收"時的照片,將水導入果園收成的方法, wow! very smart and interesting way to collect cranberries...

2008年10月6日 星期一

AE+Premiere Pro+Bridge = Autodesk Flame/ Inferno?

Stu最近發表一篇文章關於AE+Premiere Pro+Bridge = Autodesk Flame/ Inferno

Earth From Above!!!_amazing photos...

What the beauty of Earth from Above................
This photo art show also traveled to Taipei years ago....in my memory!