2008年10月15日 星期三

I never know cranberries grew underwater!

Big Picture always give me lots amazing images! In the "Days of Autumn" collection, not only just recall me lots Fall season memory in NY, but also learn something that I never know before....

Thanks xieijay's info : 那些照片是"水收"時的照片,將水導入果園收成的方法, wow! very smart and interesting way to collect cranberries...

3 則留言:

Gooshun 提到...

hihi,不好意思回應一些不相關的東西,我從你的文章中發現一些蛛絲馬跡,不知你認識同樣是SVA畢業的Anderson Ko嗎? :p

VFXJimmy 提到...

Hi I do know an Anderson in SVA, but I am not sure we are talking the same person...


Gooshun 提到...

haha the Anderson I know said he knows you, he was a year before you in SVA. :D