2009年1月19日 星期一

2009年1月17日 星期六


MTV_Asterisco, really enjoy this work...
Design by Ronda studio

2009年1月16日 星期五


The Big Picture keep me WoW everyday....., super love this great collection....

NEC Curved

No idea how good is it? But it looks very crazy....

2009年1月13日 星期二

Nuke Tips: Customer build Nuke LUT profile for viwer

First of all, big thanks Matt from Foundry to this>>
Nuke's default LUT for monitor and viewer is sRGB, if you want to set LUT to gamma 2.2 like Shake linear comp workflow.
1: Go to Nuke Root setting, pick LUT and create a new LUT profile and you might name it ex: "gamma 2.2" .
2: right click on the new curve> Edit> Edit Expression>
3: type pow (x, 2.2)
4: then set viewer/ monitor to new LUT profile to gamma 2.2

2009年1月9日 星期五

2009年1月5日 星期一

Node Graph Shortcut in Nuke

swap the A and B inputs of a merge node by pressing Shift+X
Merge node's mix control affect the A input channel

2009年1月4日 星期日

Viewer in Nuke

You can also press the ; (semicolon) and ‘ (forward single quote) keys to move between different
views in the Viewer.

Read Node and Colorspace in Nuke

Nuke reads images from their native format, but the Read node outputs the result using a linear colour space. If necessary, you can change the Colourspace option in the Read node’s properties panel, or insert a Color > Colorspace node to select the colour scheme you want to output or calculate.
QuickTime .mov files may appear different in Nuke relative to Apple’s Final Cut Pro, because Final Cut Pro introduces a gamma compensation based on assumptions about the content of the files and the viewing environment.

If you are using 64-bit Windows, you cannot read QuickTime files into Nuke. This is because Apple has not released QuickTime for 64-bit Windows.

The file names of image sequences generally end in a number before the extension, for example image0001.rgb, image0002.rgb, image0003.rgb, and so on. When browsing for files like this, you may notice that the sequence appears as image%04d.rgb. Here, %04d is Nuke’s way of indicating that the number is in a 4-digit incremental format. For a 3-digit format, such as image001.rgb, the frame number variable would be %03d. Nuke’s File Browser also understands unpadded file names, such as image1.rgb, image2.rgb, image3.rgb, and so on. They appear as image%d.rgb.

You can also use #### instead of %04d, ### instead of %03d, ## instead of %02d, and so on.

Working with Multiple Image Formats in Nuke

Nuke supports multiple file formats, such as Cineon, TIFF, OpenEXR, HDRI, and RAW camera data (via the dcraw command-line program), and allows you to mix them all within the same composite. By default, Nuke converts all imported sequences to its native 32-bit linear RGB colorspace. You can, however, use the Colorspace node to force one of several color models, including sRGB, Cineon, rec709, gamma 1.80/2.20, HSV, or HSL. The Log2Lin node lets you convert between logarithmic and linear colourspace (and vice-versa).

8-, 16-, and 32-Bit Image Processing
Some digital compositing systems, especially those geared for video work, are optimized for processing exclusively 8-bit elements (that is, images with 256 intensity values per channel).
Other systems allow for the mixing of 8, 16, and 32-bit elements.
For Nuke, which began as a film effects tool, image quality is paramount. Thus, it supports the processing of exclusively 32-bit-per channel elements (Elements with lower bit depths are upconverted to 32 bits per channel upon import.) Thirty-two bit support allows for a much richer palette of colours and floating point precision in all script calculations. In practice, this means that Nuke carries out every operation—from an increase in gamma to a transform— with much greater accuracy than a lower-bit-depth system.

Filename Search and Replace in Nuke

With the Search and Replace function, you can quickly replace all or part of filenames or filepaths in the Read and Write nodes in your script.

Select the Read or Write node(s) where you want to replace all or part of a filename or filepath.
>>Edit > Node > Filename > Search and Replace

You can also enter expressions into the Search and Replace dialog. Just remember that the search field in the dialog only takes regular expressions. Any characters that have specific meanings in regular expressions, such as [ and ], need to be preceded by the \ character. For example, [getenvHOME] would need to be entered as \[getenv HOME\].
You can also pass flags alongside the expression itself to control how the expression behaves. For
example, to perform case-insensitive searches, you can enter (?i) in the beginning of the expression or after one or more whitespace characters.

About LUT in Nuke

Viewer Input Toggle / LUT Toggle
A Nuke script may include a special node—sometimes called a viewer LUT or lookup table— that adjusts the viewer display to show how rendered output will look after transferred to film, video, or other devices or media.

Usually, the viewer LUT is a custom script that you create and import as a node. This must be named VIEWER_INPUT to have an effect on the viewers. Any image you view is passed through it when the IP button is activated.

Normally, the viewer will send the image it is going to display through the VIEWER_INPUT process node, then apply gain/gamma and LUT effects to the result prior to display. However, depending on what the input process node is doing, this may not be the correct order. Therefore, if your VIEWER_INPUT process node has float controls named "gain" and/or "gamma", then the Viewer will drive them from the corresponding viewer controls and not do that image processing itself. This allows you to implement the gain and gamma in your VIEWER_INPUT process gizmo/group node using whatever nodes and order you want. If your input process node does not have gain/gamma controls, then the Viewer will apply the effects in its normal way after running the image through the VIEWER_INPUT process node.

First thing confuse me in Nuke>> Channel Set and Channel Dsiplay List

What the hell are Channel Set and Channel Display List??????
Channel Set: The channel set list lets you choose a set of colour channels to display in the viewer. By default, this is set to display the rgba set, but you can choose any channel set in the data stream.
Channel Display List: The Channel list controls which channel appears when you view the “alpha” channel. The default setting actually does display the alpha channel when you press the A key; however, you can change this by selecting any channel in the data stream.

And what is the advantage for such display setup?

2009年1月2日 星期五

lynda.com >> Troika Design Group: Creative Inspirations

lynda.com是一個提供許多CG教學的公司, 最近新上市的Troika Design Group: Creative Inspirations, 介紹位於Hollywood的Troika Studio的Creative Inspirations, very good for Motion Graphic/ Branding Design/ Network Package Design...etc to checking out.....

weekend movie: Bolt / 雷霆戰狗(US)

After Effects CS4 Visual Effects and Compositing Studio Tecniques

Ya! another new book from Mark Christiansen.....
每當Adobe發表After Effects新版本Mark Christiansen就隨即發表他的新書! Mark的書我從AE 6.5,/ 7.0到CS3, 基本上想使用After Effects製作VFX, 看Mark的書是很不錯的選擇! .