2009年1月4日 星期日

Filename Search and Replace in Nuke

With the Search and Replace function, you can quickly replace all or part of filenames or filepaths in the Read and Write nodes in your script.

Select the Read or Write node(s) where you want to replace all or part of a filename or filepath.
>>Edit > Node > Filename > Search and Replace

You can also enter expressions into the Search and Replace dialog. Just remember that the search field in the dialog only takes regular expressions. Any characters that have specific meanings in regular expressions, such as [ and ], need to be preceded by the \ character. For example, [getenvHOME] would need to be entered as \[getenv HOME\].
You can also pass flags alongside the expression itself to control how the expression behaves. For
example, to perform case-insensitive searches, you can enter (?i) in the beginning of the expression or after one or more whitespace characters.
