check out this:
On the lighting side the package, while not writing shaders, does allow nodal based manipulation of the shaders and speaks to third party renderers such as Pixar's Renderman and Arnold. It started life as a 3D lighting package some five to six years ago, it takes assets (geometry) "assigns materials, textures, - gets the lighting rigs set up - it is the primary 3D lighting interface that all of our lighting people use" Bredow explains. The system is node based, like Nuke but covering lighting in addition to compositing.
On the compositing side it has all the main compositing tools, color correction, roto, paint, keying, camera mapping and stereo compositing & manipulation etc. "Our previous compositor was Bonsai, and that was developed over a number of years, it had very sophisticated keying, roto tools, etc.. Katana took all those tools in as a starting point and then we built on top of it, so Katana has pretty sophisticated fully featured tools in there". adds Bredow.