2010年1月25日 星期一

Nuke 6/NukeX 6 Released

Dam!... Foundry released new Nuke 6/NukeX 6....

Some impressive new feature (something I tested)
1: new Paint and Roto tool: much better than before and more logic ( like smear tool a lot!)
2: LenDistortion tool: good for remove lens distortion before camera tracking process....
3: CameraTracker tool: this is really hot, easy to use and you might said goodbye to other camera tracking software...

2 則留言:

OOPKit 提到...

camera tracker可以直接計算frame跟frame之間的圖像關係然後訂出track point,而且馬上變成3D track point in 3D space, 超屌!

VFXJimmy 提到...

personal feel, NukeX's camera tracker is easy to use, but if some difficult camera tracking, still need other pro apps. to assist....