以前的文章關於Nuke customer build viewer LUT, 在Nuke 5.2之後有不同的作法.
請參閱Nuke官方 Basic Worlflows colour management part3
There are two type of process: Viewer Process and Iuput Process
1: Input Process:
>add a ColorLookup node and adjust the color curve look result you want!
>disconnect the ColorLookup node from comp tree, just rename the ColorLookup node to "VIEWER_INPUT", now IP fountion turn on and all viewer result will apply the color curve.
>or don't change the name of Colorlookup, disconnect the ColorLookup node from comp tree, select the ColorLookup node and go menu Edit>Node>Use as Input Process. Now IP fountion on again. (But the down side of this way, that is hard to know which node is your Input Process!)
2:Viewer Process (create custom build viwer lookup):
>Turn off your sRGB viwerProcess to none, so Nuke viewer display the raw linear image.
>Add Colorspace node and change out to sRGB (default is Linear), or other color space you want to output, personally like gamma2.2
>If you need to change more lookup color curve, just add another ColorLookup node for example.
>If you need other image process ex:soft, just add Blur node for example.
>select Colorspace+ColorLookup+Blur nodes that you want to add the customer build viwer.
>Ctrl/Command+G to group the nodes
>To export as gizmo, click "Home" on the export window, type/.nuke/name of gizmo. (first letter of gizmo must be capital)
>register customer build viwer lookup gizmo with Python
>edit init.py with simple text editor
nuke.ViewerProcess.register("Name of display", nuke.Node, ("Name of gizmo", ""))
>restart nuke to active init.py
>now you can pick the custom viewer lookup from the list.