2011年1月13日 星期四



Asylum VFX Is Closing and news on fxGuide

李安台灣造黑洞 《少年Pi》吸光人才

李安台灣造黑洞 《少年Pi》吸光人才




poor Taiwan.....

2011年1月10日 星期一

2011年1月8日 星期六

linear color workflow in Maya shader

Base on eat3D training setting mia_exposure_simple

set Knee: 1.0/ Compression: 0/ Gamma: 2.2

it works exactly like nuke's LUT function, good for render out some color pass such (beauty/ diff/ spec/ refl/ refr/ sss/ oc...etc), if you output format is gamma 2.2(sRGB)'s Tiff/ TGA..etc, you will need to leave "mia_exposure_simple" on and set gamma 2.2 to render. But if output format is EXR in linear color space, you might set "mia_exposure_simple" gamma to 1.0
Well! personal feel you will need to break mia_exposure_simple from maya camera, since this node does some strange result on RGB color matte (darker color)/ Point in space render (points become all flat, no depth) what I discover recently.....

and the Final, Great thanks Stu / Zap and Kuan Lin..... who inspire me all the linear workflow

what is ChromAberration?????

ChromAberration training from http://maltaannon.com

2011年1月6日 星期四