2011年1月8日 星期六

linear color workflow in Maya shader

Base on eat3D training setting mia_exposure_simple

set Knee: 1.0/ Compression: 0/ Gamma: 2.2

it works exactly like nuke's LUT function, good for render out some color pass such (beauty/ diff/ spec/ refl/ refr/ sss/ oc...etc), if you output format is gamma 2.2(sRGB)'s Tiff/ TGA..etc, you will need to leave "mia_exposure_simple" on and set gamma 2.2 to render. But if output format is EXR in linear color space, you might set "mia_exposure_simple" gamma to 1.0
Well! personal feel you will need to break mia_exposure_simple from maya camera, since this node does some strange result on RGB color matte (darker color)/ Point in space render (points become all flat, no depth) what I discover recently.....

and the Final, Great thanks Stu / Zap and Kuan Lin..... who inspire me all the linear workflow
