2014年8月13日 星期三
2014年7月20日 星期日
2014年7月17日 星期四
2014年7月8日 星期二
2014年5月27日 星期二
2014年2月20日 星期四
2014年2月11日 星期二
2014年2月10日 星期一
switch nuke channel by expression node
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 7.0 v10
ColorWheel {
inputs 0
gamma 0.45
name ColorWheel2
selected true
xpos -68
ypos -329
CheckerBoard2 {
inputs 0
name CheckerBoard3
selected true
xpos -191
ypos -331
add_layer {JimmyChannel JimmyChannel.red JimmyChannel.green JimmyChannel.blue JimmyChannel.alpha}
ShuffleCopy {
inputs 2
alpha alpha2
black red
white green
red2 blue
green2 alpha
out2 JimmyChannel
name ShuffleCopy4
label "模擬同一串流裡面有一組channel叫\nJimmyChannel"
note_font_size 20
selected true
xpos -139
ypos -217
Expression {
channel0 {forward.u -forward.v -backward.u -backward.v}
expr0 JimmyChannel.red
channel1 {-forward.u forward.v -backward.u -backward.v}
expr1 JimmyChannel.green
channel2 {-forward.u -forward.v backward.u -backward.v}
expr2 JimmyChannel.blue
channel3 {-forward.u -forward.v -backward.u backward.v}
expr3 JimmyChannel.alpha
name Expression9
label "將JimmyChannel切換到motion channel"
note_font_size 20
selected true
xpos -139
ypos -94
useful info about nuke expression node : http://www.nukepedia.com/written-tutorials/expressions-101
and thanks seadog's help!
2014年2月8日 星期六
nb_MariTools 1.0 from Nicholas Breslow
nb_MariTools 1.0 from Nicholas Breslow on Vimeo.
shuffle-out-all-channels Script
nodes = nuke.selectedNodes() for node in nodes: if node.Class() == 'Read': channels = node.channels() layers = list( set([channel.split('.')[0] for channel in channels]) ) layers.sort() if 'rgba' in layers: layers.remove('rgba') for layer in layers: shuffleNode = nuke.nodes.Shuffle(label=layer,inputs=[node]) shuffleNode['in'].setValue( layer ) shuffleNode['postage_stamp'].setValue(True) else: pass
2014年1月15日 星期三
mask3d node
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 7.0 v10
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name mask3d
selected true
xpos 1457
ypos -418
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {18 pos l Position t "Select the colour that corresponds to the position you want."}
pos {5.994726658 48.59552765 6.745039463}
addUserKnob {13 rad l Radius}
rad {0.7 {rad.x} {rad.x}}
addUserKnob {7 fall l "Falloff Exponent" R 1 10}
fall 3.25
addUserKnob {7 gain l Hardness}
gain 0.54
Input {
inputs 0
name __POS_INPUT__
xpos 95
ypos 536
Expression {
temp_name0 distR
temp_expr0 (Br-parent.pos.r)/rad.x
temp_name1 distG
temp_expr1 (Bg-parent.pos.g)/rad.y
temp_name2 distB
temp_expr2 (Bb-parent.pos.b)/rad.z
temp_name3 len
temp_expr3 sqrt((distR*distR)+(distG*distG)+(distB*distB))
expr0 pow(1-len,fall)
expr1 pow(1-len,fall)
expr2 pow(1-len,fall)
expr3 pow(1-len,fall)
xpos 95
ypos 597
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp1
xpos 95
ypos 641
Group {
name Perlin_gain
help "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."
tile_color 0xcc9d6d00
xpos 95
ypos 686
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
addUserKnob {7 realGain l "Perlin Gain function" t "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."}
realGain {{parent.gain}}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
selected true
xpos 130
ypos -89
Expression {
temp_name0 gain
temp_expr0 parent.realGain
temp_name1 lum
temp_expr1 "0.2125*Br + 0.7154*Bg + 0.0721*Bb"
temp_name2 val
temp_expr2 .5*((lum<.5)?((1-gain)>0?pow(2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0):2-((1-gain)>0?pow(2-2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0))
expr0 r>1?r:r*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr1 g>1?g:g*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr2 b>1?b:b*(val/(lum+0.00001))
name KPGain
tile_color 0xd47f3b00
xpos 130
ypos -24
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 130
ypos 98
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp2
selected true
xpos 95
ypos 731
Output {
name Output1
xpos 95
ypos 839
version 7.0 v10
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name mask3d
selected true
xpos 1457
ypos -418
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {18 pos l Position t "Select the colour that corresponds to the position you want."}
pos {5.994726658 48.59552765 6.745039463}
addUserKnob {13 rad l Radius}
rad {0.7 {rad.x} {rad.x}}
addUserKnob {7 fall l "Falloff Exponent" R 1 10}
fall 3.25
addUserKnob {7 gain l Hardness}
gain 0.54
Input {
inputs 0
name __POS_INPUT__
xpos 95
ypos 536
Expression {
temp_name0 distR
temp_expr0 (Br-parent.pos.r)/rad.x
temp_name1 distG
temp_expr1 (Bg-parent.pos.g)/rad.y
temp_name2 distB
temp_expr2 (Bb-parent.pos.b)/rad.z
temp_name3 len
temp_expr3 sqrt((distR*distR)+(distG*distG)+(distB*distB))
expr0 pow(1-len,fall)
expr1 pow(1-len,fall)
expr2 pow(1-len,fall)
expr3 pow(1-len,fall)
xpos 95
ypos 597
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp1
xpos 95
ypos 641
Group {
name Perlin_gain
help "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."
tile_color 0xcc9d6d00
xpos 95
ypos 686
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
addUserKnob {7 realGain l "Perlin Gain function" t "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."}
realGain {{parent.gain}}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
selected true
xpos 130
ypos -89
Expression {
temp_name0 gain
temp_expr0 parent.realGain
temp_name1 lum
temp_expr1 "0.2125*Br + 0.7154*Bg + 0.0721*Bb"
temp_name2 val
temp_expr2 .5*((lum<.5)?((1-gain)>0?pow(2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0):2-((1-gain)>0?pow(2-2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0))
expr0 r>1?r:r*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr1 g>1?g:g*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr2 b>1?b:b*(val/(lum+0.00001))
name KPGain
tile_color 0xd47f3b00
xpos 130
ypos -24
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 130
ypos 98
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp2
selected true
xpos 95
ypos 731
Output {
name Output1
xpos 95
ypos 839
Enable the mip production shader in Maya mentalRay
Mental Ray production shaders are hidden by default. mip_* mib_* mia_*
go to your script editor, type in:
-intValue "MIP_SHD_EXPOSE" 1;
check out info on the finest in Mental Ray websites from Zap
find more info you can always search "Mental Ray production shaders"
as well as read the 2013 Mental Ray production manual online.
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