version 7.0 v10
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name mask3d
selected true
xpos 1457
ypos -418
addUserKnob {20 User}
addUserKnob {18 pos l Position t "Select the colour that corresponds to the position you want."}
pos {5.994726658 48.59552765 6.745039463}
addUserKnob {13 rad l Radius}
rad {0.7 {rad.x} {rad.x}}
addUserKnob {7 fall l "Falloff Exponent" R 1 10}
fall 3.25
addUserKnob {7 gain l Hardness}
gain 0.54
Input {
inputs 0
name __POS_INPUT__
xpos 95
ypos 536
Expression {
temp_name0 distR
temp_expr0 (Br-parent.pos.r)/rad.x
temp_name1 distG
temp_expr1 (Bg-parent.pos.g)/rad.y
temp_name2 distB
temp_expr2 (Bb-parent.pos.b)/rad.z
temp_name3 len
temp_expr3 sqrt((distR*distR)+(distG*distG)+(distB*distB))
expr0 pow(1-len,fall)
expr1 pow(1-len,fall)
expr2 pow(1-len,fall)
expr3 pow(1-len,fall)
xpos 95
ypos 597
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp1
xpos 95
ypos 641
Group {
name Perlin_gain
help "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."
tile_color 0xcc9d6d00
xpos 95
ypos 686
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
addUserKnob {7 realGain l "Perlin Gain function" t "This is an implementation of Ken Perlin's gain function. It boosts micro-contrast (acutance, in photographic terms) without clipping. When set to 0.5, it has no effect. When >0.5, gain is boosted; when <.5, gain is muted. Only luminance is affected; not hue nor saturation. Superwhites remain untouched."}
realGain {{parent.gain}}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
selected true
xpos 130
ypos -89
Expression {
temp_name0 gain
temp_expr0 parent.realGain
temp_name1 lum
temp_expr1 "0.2125*Br + 0.7154*Bg + 0.0721*Bb"
temp_name2 val
temp_expr2 .5*((lum<.5)?((1-gain)>0?pow(2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0):2-((1-gain)>0?pow(2-2*lum,log(1-gain)/log(0.5)):0))
expr0 r>1?r:r*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr1 g>1?g:g*(val/(lum+0.00001))
expr2 b>1?b:b*(val/(lum+0.00001))
name KPGain
tile_color 0xd47f3b00
xpos 130
ypos -24
addUserKnob {20 "" l User}
Output {
name Output1
xpos 130
ypos 98
Clamp {
channels rgba
name Clamp2
selected true
xpos 95
ypos 731
Output {
name Output1
xpos 95
ypos 839