2008年5月20日 星期二

Opencut project 1.0 : Susannah

你想嘗試一部電影短片剪接從開始到結束, 卻苦無素材嗎?想嘗試最新的Red footage與剪接流程?想為自己增加一件剪接作品在showreel上, 甚至有機會參加些影展??
日前在Stu的blog上看到一個不錯的資訊關於Opencut project 1.0 : Susannah
Opencut project 1.0 : Susannah

"Susannah" 是該部短片名,現在公開開放給全世界artists作剪接, 導演是Evan Nicholas, 執行製作是Joe Carnahan, Torrey Loomis. 大致上內容是講兩個壞男人在荒野中的汽車旅館裡為了一個女人去互砍的故事, 聽起來非常普通, 但透過不同的剪接去敘述一個故事(完整腳本). 也是本片想要嘗試實驗的部份....
該片是以4K Red One Camera在去年12月拍攝完成. May 18th/ 2008開放申請, 費用20或25美金, 然後寄硬碟去Opencut並Copy約160GB的Red footage, 約5月底Opencut會統一寄出所有參加者硬碟. 6月底要完成所有剪接輸出h264 720p或1080p到VUZE (約完整一個月).
優勝者可以獲得的實質獎品是AJA IO HD from Silverado.


Red Camera似乎有攻城掠地之勢逐漸去影響film production industry...
Opencut project優點...mmm...我想還蠻多的...
至於缺點, Opencut似乎要求使用Apple Final Cut studio進行剪接, 因為Red workflow目前在Apple Final Cut Pro上運行為主, 其實可以透過Redcine進行transcode供PC平台剪接.
網路上已經開始有很些討論, 其中一篇在reduser上...check it out!
but like stu said "it's a great way to get your hands on some professionally-shot RED One footage to practice your color grading as well!"


UPDATE: Don't ignore (as I nearly did) the other awesome aspect of this—it's a great way to get your hands on some professionally-shot RED One footage to practice your color grading as well! From the looks of it, the contest is not strictly limited to picture cutting—your finished film will aparently be evaluated for polish and creativity in sound, music, and color as well.

UPDATE UPDATE: You'll notice a comment below from Torrey Loomis, Project Director of OpenCut, addressing many of your questions and concerns. Here's a salient snippet:
We've included an Ubernote to the resources section denoting that this project is NOT limited to Mac.

Second, we've changed the upload requirements to h.264 720p or 1080p. ProRes is not required.

This project is open to anyone--PC or Mac, period.

1 則留言:

VFXJimmy 提到...

Sorry! you can run Redcine on a PC to do the transcode, so you don't need a mac to do the transcode.