2011年12月15日 星期四

2011年12月2日 星期五

A Stop Motion History of The World

Created By Kalle Mattson, Kevin Parry, and Friends
An arts and crafts history of the world.

2011年11月10日 星期四

Optical printer ??????

July11 Background Fundamentals Class 01 from fxguide on Vimeo.
Thanks Stu's info....XD, ya be careful having dinner with Mike Seymour......

2011年10月31日 星期一

What is YUV and Y'CrCb ??????

YUV是編譯true-color顏色空間(color space)的種類,Y'UV, YUV, YCbCr,YPbPr等專有名詞都可以稱為YUV,彼此有重疊。「Y」表示明亮度(Luminance、Luma),「U」和「V」則是色度、濃度

其中 YUV 和 Y'UV 通常用來描述類比訊號 , YCbCr 與 YPbPr 則是用來描述數位的影像訊號

,通常會用於影片中的影像連續處理,或是數位攝影系統中。Y'為顏色的亮度(luma)成分、而CB和CR則為藍色和紅色的濃度偏移量成份。Y'和Y是不同的,而Y就是所謂的流明(luminance),表示光的濃度且為非線性,使用伽馬修正(gamma correction)編碼處理。

Y'CbCr不是一種絕對的色彩空間,是一種針對RGB資訊所做的編碼。真正的顏色顯示是根據實際 RGB 色盤 (colorant)來決定的。因此Y'CbCr所表示的值只有在標準 RGB 色盤或是 ICC 數據 (ICC profile)有提供的時候才能計算。

YCbCr不是一種絕對色彩空間,是YUV壓縮和偏移的版本。YCbCr的 Y 與 YUV 中的Y含義一致,Cb 和Cr 與UV同樣都指色彩,Cb指藍色色度,Cr指紅色色度,在應用上很廣泛,JPEG、MPEG、DVD、攝影機數位電視等皆採此一格式。因此一般俗稱的YUV大多是指YCbCr。


  • 4∶4∶4 ,
  • 4∶2∶2 ,
  • 4∶1∶1 和
  • 4∶2∶0

2011年10月19日 星期三

2011年10月18日 星期二

2011年10月13日 星期四


2011年9月26日 星期一

2011年9月19日 星期一

2011年8月15日 星期一

AE linear workflow



2011年8月9日 星期二

ILM - Creating the Impossible

Thanks A-Hom's info....

2011年8月8日 星期一

Oren–Nayar reflectance model



Auto link reflections and "highlights" together!
In real world, the Glossy Highlight (we normally talk about "Specalur") is the reflection of light source

BRDF: design your own BRDF curve

Engery Conservation rules:
>Transparency "wins" over Diff
>Reflection "wins" over Diffuse+Transparency
>Translucency(半透明) is percentage of Transparency

Practical meaning of above:
>Reflection act as "coating" above transparency+diffuse
>Translucency acts as a "type" of transparency


2011年7月5日 星期二

2011年6月24日 星期五

2011年6月20日 星期一

2011年6月7日 星期二

2011年6月4日 星期六

The Core Skills of VFX Handbook

Thanks Seadog's friend's info

2011年5月24日 星期二


Thanks A-hom's info

Slimtime from Slimtime on Vimeo.

2011年5月16日 星期一

The L train...

2011年5月12日 星期四

2011年5月8日 星期日

for MoM's day....

Thanks Zard's info....

I think to be a MoM is one of the most difficult thing in the world...
Mommy add oil...Mommy relax....

2011年5月3日 星期二

2011年5月1日 星期日

Your Friend Who Works in Special Effects Probably Needs a Hug Right Now

the article is from here.

and Green Lantern - Official Wondercon Footage [HD]

We can't remember who said it -- maybe Bruce Campbell? -- but a Hollywood actor defined the difference between studio movies and independent films like this: If you know what your movie's release date is before you even start shooting it, you're in a studio movie. That's become even truer over the years: Nowadays, a movie will have a release date before it even has a script. As you can imagine, that makes life incredibly stressful for all those involved with an upcoming tentpole, and today Variety gave us a little glimpse into one such group of individuals: the people at special effects houses.

The Variety article is behind their paywall, but The Playlist gets the gist of it, which is that Warner Bros. was forced to shell out an additional $9 million to pay for extra FX companies to help complete the effects for "Green Lantern," which comes out June 17. But the people Variety talked to at Warner Bros. insist it's not to fix any effects -- just to get them all done in time:

"There is no problem on 'Green Lantern,'" Chris de Faria, Warner's exec VP of digital production, animation and visual effects told the trade. "We try to add things to make the movie better until the 11th hour. That doesn't mean we're risking the movie up to the 11th hour."

This is something studios always want to emphasize when news gets out that a tentpole is rushing to make it to the finish line: "Everything is fine, nothing is wrong, we all know what we're doing, the shareholders have no reason to panic, would you like more cupcakes?" Besides, Warner Bros. are hardly the only ones rushing to hit a deadline: Variety says that one effects house working on Paramount's "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" "has gone to seven-day weeks, 12 hours a day, and canceled the Easter Sunday holiday for its [special-effects] artists."

The Variety article blames all this on the way studios now set up their big movies, valuing the release date over considerations for whether or not it's all that feasible. "So you are always chasing your tail," said Marvel exec VP of visual effects Victoria Alonso, who has "Captain America" to worry about. "You work backwards from that release date, then you add production not being ready to shoot or location complications and you shave the weeks you push from post."

We have friends who work in post-production, and we know that when they get assigned to a big movie that we won't see them for a few months before its release: Their lives are absolutely hellish as they kill themselves getting the movie done. Of late, no tentpole has missed its release, as long as you don't count the last-minute decision not to put out "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1" in 3D as was initially planned. It shouldn't be surprising, then, that big-budget summer movies often aren't very good: The studios are probably just thrilled they got the damn thing out in time.

2011年4月9日 星期六

The 3D Truth in Old Masters

Thanks AIC class great input! What a creative idea behind....

The 3D Truth in Old Masters

2011年4月8日 星期五

2011年3月19日 星期六

Combine Bump 3d and Bump 3d together

connect multi-Bump 3d node and keep their it's own bump value control:
First show Left and Right hidden
Out Normal -> Normal Camera

This also work on 2d bump chan, too! And also chan 3d bump and 2d bump together...

This give you different level of bump control, and easy to see!
sample maya file!

Other bump resource on internet!


Nolan's Cheddar

2011年3月17日 星期四

2011年3月9日 星期三


2011年3月7日 星期一

what is GOBO?????

A gobo (or GOBO) derived from "Go Between" or GOes Before Optics -originally used on film sets between a light source and the set is a physical template slotted inside, or placed in front of, a lighting source, used to control the shape of emitted light.

Thanks Danny's info, learning new thing everyday....

2011年2月24日 星期四

Spaceman ICC

2011年2月21日 星期一

The Water Fall

motion vector from Maya render pass

Motion Vectors - Example II from Sagroth on Vimeo.

And the Sigillarium Blog

Quick note:

1: Add a "Normalized 2d motion vector" pass in render setting, and set normalized 2d motion vector > Render Pass Parameters > Max Pixel Diap. (your render images width size, but 1024 is max), Filter is ON!

2: In render setting > Motion Blur > Motion offset to 0

3: render quality is 4x32bit float!

2011年2月5日 星期六


robo-rainbow from mudlevel on Vimeo.

2011年2月4日 星期五

Super Bowl Ad Stories: How a 12-Year-Old Rescued This Coke Ad

and here is the story....
personally feel nice and simple idea, but quick and easy understanding story telling... of course I don't need to talk too much about vfx...

2011年1月13日 星期四



Asylum VFX Is Closing and news on fxGuide

李安台灣造黑洞 《少年Pi》吸光人才

李安台灣造黑洞 《少年Pi》吸光人才




poor Taiwan.....

2011年1月10日 星期一

2011年1月8日 星期六

linear color workflow in Maya shader

Base on eat3D training setting mia_exposure_simple

set Knee: 1.0/ Compression: 0/ Gamma: 2.2

it works exactly like nuke's LUT function, good for render out some color pass such (beauty/ diff/ spec/ refl/ refr/ sss/ oc...etc), if you output format is gamma 2.2(sRGB)'s Tiff/ TGA..etc, you will need to leave "mia_exposure_simple" on and set gamma 2.2 to render. But if output format is EXR in linear color space, you might set "mia_exposure_simple" gamma to 1.0
Well! personal feel you will need to break mia_exposure_simple from maya camera, since this node does some strange result on RGB color matte (darker color)/ Point in space render (points become all flat, no depth) what I discover recently.....

and the Final, Great thanks Stu / Zap and Kuan Lin..... who inspire me all the linear workflow

what is ChromAberration?????

ChromAberration training from http://maltaannon.com

2011年1月6日 星期四