2007年8月20日 星期一

Shake Tips 003

在shake GUI裡的flipbook無法進行像Shake viewer的A/B compare, 但若在shell中使用command line命令...hmmm....really?
try this:

shake4 A_movie_name_#.tif -t 1-100 -compare B_movie_name_#.tif -t 1-100

或把最新的shake script載入flipbook並比較上一版的movie render(sometimes, I need this function..)

shake4 -script newsest_shakescript.shk -compare old_movie_#.tif -t 1-100

then press H or V to get a horizontal/vertical split, and ctrl-shfit-drag to move it. It's a bit annoying though, using -script means it renders the bottom node of every tree, so if you've got nodes floating off to the side it opens loads of flipbooks... it also renders FileOuts if you have any, beware!

You can press F to get an A/B dissolve too.
