Hi everyone:
fxguidetv 與 awn一起在siggrah 2007現場報導
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #1: 介紹Autodesk的Toxik 2008,還有FJORG競賽,是集合一堆頂尖CG artist鎖在一個房間看利用24小時可以做甚麼CG結果
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #2: 介紹 Massive Software 3.0
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #3: 介紹Emerging技術與雷射立體投影技術, 互動裝置, 訪問HDR之父Paul Debevec
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #4: 介紹FJORG競賽結果, 訪問Pixar studio的 Chris Ford與Danna Batali討論What's new in RenderMan/ Sub-surface Scattering..
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #5: 訪問 MPC's Greg Butler說明哈利波特-鳳凰密令之煙火特效. 訪問 Autodesk's Michel Besner有關併購Mudbox. Hmmm.... Autodesk is really getting bigger, I hope they don't just kill the product after acquired... that remind me the poor software 5d cyborg (actually really powerful software, discreet acquired that 5d cyborg company, and make 5d cyborg disappear on the market, and keep their Flint\ Flame\ Inferno....stay stand....)
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #6: 訪問'衝浪季節/ Surf's Up' vfx 總監 Rob Bredow. 討論關於衝浪季節裡的海浪製作細節.
Siggraph 2007 Netcast #7: 訪問Frantic Film的老闆Chris Bond, 分享他們的R&D成果, 訪問Autodesk's Rob Hoffman 關於他們的 3D 產品方向.